Reina Design Studio uses HTTPS / TLS and SSL encryption to give you the most secure shopping experience possible. Our checkout process is secured by HTTPS / TLS encryption and it is safe for you to purchase from our site. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and secure. TLS is the industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.
Our payment gateway offers the highest level of security certification (PCI DSS Level 1). Additionally, our website is secured with a Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL certificate, which allows our site visitors to view our site over an HTTPS connection. It secures the connection between your browser and our site. We accept all major credit cards through our secure payment gateway.

SSl Secure Shopping
本網站符合SSL3所有制定的規範 (包含128bitRC4、168bit Triple-DES等加密方式),當您在傳送訊息的時候,這樣訊息將被加密保護傳送至對應的伺服器端。當您使用信用卡付款,本站會進行申請授權認證,扣款成功後會由本站系統主動發信通知您,信用卡的款項已扣款成功。刷卡付款期限為三天,請務必於期限內付款完成。